Program Workout Week Notes--- Hello Hell Week #2. You can either stack these workouts back-to-back or spread them out throughout the day. Whichever you choose, they must be completed on the same day. I finished last week strong and look forward to working on hell week #2. I think I am going to have to take it easy on the High Jump exercises. I still have over training pain in my shins and do not want to aggravate them further. Also, I will be starting the workouts on Monday rather than Tuesday. Mondays work better for my schedule.
Mandatory Rest Day
Mandatory Rest Day
Mandatory Rest Day
- 40:09- Apollon-3 rounds- 25 burpees, 400m run, 50 deep squats, 400m run
- DNA- Jump Max- 300 seconds
- 21:14 - Kentauros- 6 rounds- 1x20m walking lunges, 10 high jumps, 1x20m burpee frogs, 10 high jumps
Mandatory Rest Day
- 46:38 PB- Kentauros- 6 rounds- 2x20m walking lunges, 10 high jumps, 2x20m burpee frogs, 10 high jumps
- DNA- Heras-5 rounds- 40 jumps, 60 sec rest, 400m run, 60 sec rest
- 11:35 PB- Ares-5 rounds- 7 pullups, 7 jackknives, 2X40m sprints, 60 sec rest
Mandatory Rest Day
Mandatory Rest Day
- 38:04 PB- Venus-4 rounds- 50 pushups, 20 jackknives, 50 deep squats
- DNA- Burpee Max- 300 seconds
- DNA- Hades- 3 rounds- 25 Burpees, 15 Pullups, 15 Pushups, 25 Burpees, 2x40 m run
Mandatory Rest Day
Mandatory Rest Day