Monday, March 31, 2014

Program Week 7 (Hell Week)

Program Workout Week Notes--- Hello Hell Week #2.  You can either stack these workouts back-to-back or spread them out throughout the day.  Whichever you choose, they must be completed on the same day.  I finished last week strong and look forward to working on hell week #2.  I think I am going to have to take it easy on the High Jump exercises. I still have over training pain in my shins and do not want to aggravate them further.  Also, I will be starting the workouts on Monday rather than Tuesday.  Mondays work better for my schedule.  

Mandatory Rest Day


  • 40:09- Apollon-3 rounds- 25 burpees, 400m run, 50 deep squats, 400m run
  • DNA- Jump Max- 300 seconds
  • 21:14 - Kentauros- 6 rounds- 1x20m walking lunges, 10 high jumps, 1x20m burpee frogs, 10 high jumps

Mandatory Rest Day

  • 46:38 PB- Kentauros- 6 rounds- 2x20m walking lunges, 10 high jumps, 2x20m burpee frogs, 10 high jumps
  • DNA- Heras-5 rounds- 40 jumps, 60 sec rest, 400m run, 60 sec rest
  • 11:35 PB- Ares-5 rounds- 7 pullups, 7 jackknives, 2X40m sprints, 60 sec rest

Mandatory Rest Day


  • 38:04 PB- Venus-4 rounds- 50 pushups, 20 jackknives, 50 deep squats
  • DNA- Burpee Max- 300 seconds
  • DNA- Hades- 3 rounds- 25 Burpees, 15 Pullups, 15 Pushups, 25 Burpees, 2x40 m run

Mandatory Rest Day

Monday, March 24, 2014

Program Week 6

Program Workout Week Notes--- This week starts with a new found vigor.  We booked a cruise to  Mexico for mid May and now I have to get the body looking the best it can for the beaches and pool side.  The workouts are nothing new this week so it is business as usual.  

31:47- Hades-3 rounds- 25 Burpees, 15 Pullups, 15 Pushups, 25 Burpees, 2x40 m run

30:54 PB- Aphrodite-50/40/30/20/10 each- Burpees, Air Squats, Situps

55 PB- Max Burpees- 300 seconds
11:39 PBAres-5 rounds- 7 pullups, 7 jackknives, 2X40m sprints, 60 sec rest

21:29 PB- 2 mile (3.22 km) run-  Nice and easy at a pace so that you can still sing or talk.  

Hades-3 rounds- 25 Burpees, 15 Pullups, 15 Pushups, 25 Burpees, 2x40 m run

Apollon-3 rounds- 25 burpees, 400m run, 50 deep squats, 400m run

Rest Day

Monday, March 17, 2014

Program Week 5

Program Workout Week Notes--- I'm still going strong.  Not much to say but the workouts are become part of my everyday routine.  I continually strive to improve upon my times and reps.  This week introduces two new workouts so I am looking forward to trying them out.  


27:07 PB- Heras-5 rounds- 40 jumps, 60 sec rest, 400m run, 60 sec rest


26:52 PB- Heras-5 rounds- 40 jumps, 60 sec rest, 400m run, 60 sec rest


Only did the first run and 3 rounds.  Shins were really sore from all the jumping the previous days.
Iris- .6 mile (1K) run , 5 rounds each - 100 jumping jacks, 100 climbers- .6 mile (1K) run




32:45- Hades-3 rounds- 25 Burpees, 15 Pullups, 15 Pushups, 25 Burpees, 2x40 m run


33:45- Hades-3 rounds- 25 Burpees, 15 Pullups, 15 Pushups, 25 Burpees, 2x40 m run


Rest Day

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Program Week 4

Program Workout Week Notes--- Last week was pretty normal workouts but leg heavy.  Surprised at how much punishment my legs could handle.  I would have never pushed myself that hard on one body part within a week span.  In all, 665 squats for the week.  


31:32- Hades-3 rounds- 25 Burpees, 15 Pullups, 15 Pushups, 25 Burpees, 2x40 m run


  • 29:36 PB - Hyperion-6 rounds- 6 HS pushups, 12 strict pullups, 6 One Hand Pushups each arm, 12 pistols, 60 second rest
  • 90- Max Leg Levers

  • 52 PB- Max Burpees
  • 12:31 PB- Ares-5 rounds- 7 pullups, 7 jackknives, 2X40m sprints, 60 sec rest

22:17 PB- 2 mile (3.22 km) run-  Nice and easy at a pace so that you can still sing or talk.  


33:05- Aphrodite-50/40/30/20/10 each- Burpees, Air Squats, Situps


Rest Day


Rest Day

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Program Week 3

Program Workout Week Notes--- Last week was a good week.  Hit a lot of PB and felt strong.  I got a late start to this week's workouts because I was traveling on Monday.  So I will push all the workouts forward a day and run my 2 miles on the weekend instead.

2 Rounds Each-
  • 6:59 PB & 9:10- Metis-10/25/10 each- Burpees, Climbers, High Jump
  • 160 & 150- Max Squats
Hades-3 rounds- 25 Burpees, 15 Pullups, 15 Pushups, 25 Burpees, 2x40 m run


  • 39:53 PB- Apollon-3 rounds- 25 burpees, 400m run, 50 deep squats, 400m run
  • 20 PB- Max Pull-ups (Jump Assisted)
  • 30 PB-Max Handstand Push-ups (modified)
23: 06 (outdoor run) - 2 mile (3.22 km) run-  Nice and easy at a pace so that you can still sing or talk.  

2 rounds each
  • 7:00  & 12:11- Metis-10/25/10 each- Burpees, Climbers, High Jump
  • 165 PB & 140- Max Squats
Rest Day

Rest Day

Program Workout Week Notes---