Monday, March 31, 2014

Program Week 7 (Hell Week)

Program Workout Week Notes--- Hello Hell Week #2.  You can either stack these workouts back-to-back or spread them out throughout the day.  Whichever you choose, they must be completed on the same day.  I finished last week strong and look forward to working on hell week #2.  I think I am going to have to take it easy on the High Jump exercises. I still have over training pain in my shins and do not want to aggravate them further.  Also, I will be starting the workouts on Monday rather than Tuesday.  Mondays work better for my schedule.  

Mandatory Rest Day


  • 40:09- Apollon-3 rounds- 25 burpees, 400m run, 50 deep squats, 400m run
  • DNA- Jump Max- 300 seconds
  • 21:14 - Kentauros- 6 rounds- 1x20m walking lunges, 10 high jumps, 1x20m burpee frogs, 10 high jumps

Mandatory Rest Day

  • 46:38 PB- Kentauros- 6 rounds- 2x20m walking lunges, 10 high jumps, 2x20m burpee frogs, 10 high jumps
  • DNA- Heras-5 rounds- 40 jumps, 60 sec rest, 400m run, 60 sec rest
  • 11:35 PB- Ares-5 rounds- 7 pullups, 7 jackknives, 2X40m sprints, 60 sec rest

Mandatory Rest Day


  • 38:04 PB- Venus-4 rounds- 50 pushups, 20 jackknives, 50 deep squats
  • DNA- Burpee Max- 300 seconds
  • DNA- Hades- 3 rounds- 25 Burpees, 15 Pullups, 15 Pushups, 25 Burpees, 2x40 m run

Mandatory Rest Day


  1. Hi Dennis! It´s this program Cardio and Strength or only strength? thanks and keep on!

  2. It is a combination of Strength and Cardio, with more cardio then strength workouts so far. I am fine with it being more cardio for now. I have seen my largest results in cardio capabilities but have also seen an increase in my strength. Overall, I find that they are complimenting each other well. When doing more strength exercises, my muscles are able to withstand a bit more punishment due to increase cardiac capacity (more time and reps until muscle fatigue sets in).

    Thanks for the question and encouragement.

  3. Hi!
    What it mean "PB" and "DNA" in
    38:04 PB- Venus-4 rounds- 50 pushups, 20 jackknives, 50 deep squats
    DNA- Burpee Max- 300 seconds
    DNA- Hades- 3 rounds- 25 Burpees, 15 Pullups, 15 Pushups, 25 Burpees, 2x40 m run

  4. PB= personal best
    DNA= did not attempt.
